五莲县政府专项规划 五莲县“十四五”基础测绘规划(2021年)

“十四五”时期是我国全面建成小康社会、实现第一个百年奋斗目标后的第一个五年,将乘势而上,踏上全面建设小康社会新征程。建设社会主义现代化国家,向第二个百年奋斗目标进军。 也是我县加快高质量发展、实现赶超的五年。 基础测绘是为经济建设、国防建设、社会发展和生态保护提供地理信息服务的基础性、公益性事业。 对于建设美丽宜居、文明开放的现代化新五莲具有重要意义。

根据《中华人民共和国测绘法》、《基本测绘条例》和《山东省测绘地理信息条例》,按照《国家基础测绘中长期规划》规划纲要(2015-2030年)》和《山东省“十四五”基础测绘规划》和《日照市“十四五”基础测绘规划》等文件要求,结合五莲县国民经济和社会发展需要,编制了《五莲县“十四五”基础测绘规划》。 规划范围覆盖全县,规划期限5年(2021-2025年)。

本规划经县人民政府批准,并报上级测绘地理信息行政主管部门备案。 作为全县“十四五”期间基础测绘年度计划编制、财政投入和具体组织实施的主要依据。





《中华人民共和国测绘法》《山东省测绘地理信息条例》等法规的颁布实施,为基础测绘发展提供了坚实的法律保障。 国务院批复《国家基础测绘中长期规划纲要(2015-2030年)》,省政府印发《山东省地理信息产业发展规划(2017-2025年)》,省测绘局等5部门市自然资源和规划局印发《日照市工程建设项目“多元测绘一体化”管理办法(试行)》,县政府印发《五莲县“十三五”基础测绘规划》,创建为全县基础测绘工作提供良好的发展环境。


基础测绘融入自然资源管理总体格局,成为履行自然资源“两个统一”的重要支撑。 省、市、县统筹协调机制更加完善,各部门共享合作更加深入。 规范基础测绘成果使用审批制度,贯彻公开、便利、高效的原则,进一步促进基础测绘成果广泛应用,更好地服务全县经济社会发展和生态文明建设。





有效落实测量标志日常维护工作,对全县43个测量标志点进行日常管理和巡检维护,确保工作效率。 全面推广使用2000年国家大地坐标系,为自然资源管理和社会经济发展提供统一的空间基准。


协调获取全县1496平方公里0.5米分辨率航拍影像5幅,主城区及市北经济开发区0.05米分辨率航拍影像55.36平方公里。 建立了全县多源、多时相、多尺度的遥感影像数据库。


每年进行基础地理信息数据库采集和更新,完成各乡镇18.17平方公里的1:500全野数字测绘和数据库建设,完成全乡1:500数字测线数据采集和建设。主城区竣工面积约39.98平方公里。 该数据库与市北开发区约15.38平方公里的1:500数字线图数据采集及数据库建设。 完成城市立体建模8平方公里、重点区域精细立体建模1.29平方公里、城区和旅游景区街景采集12.46公里。



“十三五”期间,全县共基础测绘数据362个、测量控制点26个、各类数字线图729张、数字正射影像351张、0.2米分辨率卫星遥感并报社会各界审批。 已累计拍摄29次,航拍影像面积总计3162平方公里,服务于自然资源、生态环保、应急保障、城市管理、农业农村等国民经济和社会发展多个领域。 更新了《五莲县地图》、《五莲城区地图》、《市北经济开发区地图》,有力支撑了我县经济社会发展和生态文明建设。


“数字物联”地理信息公共平台已建成并实施常态化运维。 建立和拓展典型应用示范系统,充分发挥应用效益。 已在自然资源、公共安全、应急响应、旅游、城市管理等多个领域得到应用,有效实现了共建共享。 “天图·物联”纳入省级地理信息公共服务平台,更新地理空间框架数据、地名地址数据,向政府部门、企事业单位和公众提供在线地图服务。


组织健全测绘应急保障预案,健全三级应急机制。 成立了县级测绘应急保障中心,健全了各级应急测绘保障机构,建成了我县应急测绘保障队伍。 考虑到我县地处山区,易发洪涝、森林火灾、库区下游地质险情等,我们与山东省地质测绘院签署合作框架协议,深化与测绘合作加强我县测绘应急资源储备建设。 。


我县高质量发展和人民日益增长的美好生活需要,对基础测绘产品和服务提出了更高要求。 基础测绘保障服务面临巨大挑战。 我县基础测绘发展还存在以下不足:






测绘地理信息数据资源不够丰富,成果类型相对单一。 与经济社会发展对测绘精细化、产品多元化的需求还存在差距。










随着测绘技术的不断进步,以地理信息实时获取、处理自动化、管理智能化、服务网络化、应用社会化、业务管理精准化为特征的信息化测绘技术已成为基础。为今后地理信息基础技术的发展奠定基础。 必然趋势。 我们要抓住机遇,与时俱进,深化拓展基础数据建设,优化提升公共服务能力,做好新时代基础测绘工作。


机构改革后,基础测绘全面融入自然资源管理,围绕“两个服务、两个支撑”的根本定位,为自然资源部门履行“两个服务、两个支撑”提供技术支撑和决策支持。依法履行“统一”职责,肩负起服务自然资源管理的新使命。 。 制度环境的变化对基础测绘的战略方向和重点提出了新的要求。 基础测绘工作重点向测绘基准运行维护与服务、基础地理信息动态更新和应用服务发展。


北斗卫星导航系统已完成全球组网并实现自主可控。 测绘基准已向地球、高程、重力、深度四网一体化方向发展,服务领域已渗透到各行业。 国内在轨运行的高分辨率测绘卫星数量持续增加,数据采集向全天候、实时、高精度、多类型发展。 大数据、物联网、人工智能与测绘地理信息产业深度融合,地理信息数据自动化、智能化处理水平不断提升。 基础测绘领域新技术应用逐步深入,不断推动基础测绘业务系统技术变革和产品服务创新。


基础测绘正在向物质化、立体化、精细化、动态化方向发展。 传统基础地理信息数据库正在向“一库多能、按需组装”地理实体时空数据库转型,在技术、标准、产品、系统、服务等方面实现新突破,现实3D已进入黄金建设期,基础测绘产品体系迎来从二维到三维的飞跃。 地形级、城市级、构件级三维数据融合与应用技术逐渐成熟,形成覆盖地面、地下、室内外的协同数据服务。


基础地理信息资源覆盖面不断扩大。 城市地理信息数据向精细化、深度化发展,城市地下、室内空间数据不断丰富。 不断补充内陆水下地形数据,实现内陆水下地形数据与陆地测绘成果的无缝衔接。



推动新旧动能转换,坚持“中心突出、园区集中、轴杆联动、协调发展”的原则,实现现代化经济强县建设。 要发挥基础测绘的基础性和先进性支撑作用。 紧紧抓住“一带一路”、“山东半岛经济圈腾飞”、“鲁南经济带一体化”等战略机遇,优化县域经济发展布局,实现县域转型跨越发展,需要北斗系统提供高精度导航支撑位置服务和海量地理信息。 高速铁路、农机制造、采矿修复等重大工程建设,需要丰富适用的基础地理信息数据,作为布局建设和科学决策的依据。


5G网络、数据中心、工业互联网、物联网等新型基础设施建设需要精细化、动态化、立体化、物化的基础地理信息数据作为规划布局的基础。 加快进入高铁、机场时代步伐,重点推进交通强县建设,加强潮白河、山阳河、娟河等河流治理,建设现代化水利基础设施网络系统,需要实时、丰富的测绘地理信息数据支撑,提供高质量、高效率的测绘地理信息服务。 与新一代信息技术、互联网技术、高端装备制造技术相融合的测绘地理信息技术在新型基础设施建设中将具有巨大潜力。 新型基础设施将成为地理信息产业未来发展的强大引擎。

3. 自然资源管理的需求

全面履行自然资源“两统一”责任,落实国土空间规划、自然资源确权、片区综合治理、耕地保护、生态修复特别是矿山恢复、基础测绘等重点任务。测绘需要立足自身技术优势,利用卫星遥感、导航定位等空间信息技术,在动态监测、空间定位等方面为自然资源管理提供优质服务保障。 面对统筹山水林田湖草生态保护和修复、推进精细化管理的要求,基础测绘需要提供和整合各类自然资源和国土空间数据,构建自然资源的三维“一张图”,并提供管理上的有力支持。


作为省级智慧城市试点县,将以新型智慧城市建设为重要抓手,统筹推进数字政府、数字经济、数字社会建设,充分发挥基础支撑和创新支撑作用发挥大数据对优化政府、发展产业、造福人民的驱动作用。 ,需要基础测绘来提供高精度、实时的空间位置信息和精准服务保障。 建设城市时空大数据平台,提供新型智慧城市建设所需的时空数据资源,形成辅助政府科学决策、精准社会治理、高效公共服务的城市“图景”。 以高精度、大跨度、宽泛的基础测绘基础数据和特征数据成果为支撑,不断探索城市治理体系和治理能力现代化新思路,打造精致精致城市。


高标准建设白鹭湾艺术博物馆小镇和“两山”(五莲山、九仙山),打造旅游发展核心; 高质量发展温泉养生,创建中国温泉养生名县; 举办高标准体育赛事,建设绿水青山体育城; 高水平整合乡村旅游、民宿资源,提高旅游服务接待水平。 需要基础测绘提供准确的基础地理信息,反映旅游资源当前的空间分布和特征,推动“智慧旅游”发展。 旅游规划与经济社会发展规划、城乡规划、土地利用规划、环境保护规划同步融合,也需要基础测绘的基础数据和技术支撑。


深入实施“生态富县”战略,打造生态宜居、绿色城市景观和人文景观,塑造具有地域特色、时代特征、特色鲜明的美丽五莲,需要丰富的基础地理信息数据确保规划建设科学合理。 。 实施科学精准的污染治理,完善环保基础设施,提高环境监管能力,需要基础测绘提高传感器网络、环境分析能力、生态环境要素预测预警和分析决策能力,为环境提供动态和分析决策能力。生态环境实时空间分布特征及变化趋势。 深入实施主体功能区战略,优化国土空间开发保护格局,加强国土空间规划和利用管控,需要基础测绘立足自身技术优势,利用卫星遥感、导航定位等空间信息技术,提供动态监测、空间定位等,为自然资源管理提供优质服务保障。


要立足五莲区域特点,统筹农业农村现代化,同步打造东、西、北三大区域,努力实现全区域联动、全区域振兴。 需要基础地理信息数据为规划和决策提供依据。 基础设施建设、推进农村“七项改革”、加快数字乡村建设,都需要大比例尺地形图作为统筹规划的依据。 迫切需要覆盖全县乡镇图乃至村庄图的测绘产品,为供水、供电、供气、道路等配套设施、基础设施和公共服务设施建设提供测绘新农村建设中的交通、园林绿化、垃圾处理等。 有保证的支持。



以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神,深入贯彻落实党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神,贯彻落实习近平总书记对山东工作的重要指示和要求,紧紧围绕统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局、统筹推进“四个全面”战略布局,坚定不移贯彻新发展理念发展理念,以高质量发展为主题,以供给侧结构性改革为主线,以改革创新为主线。 根本动力是以构建新型基础测绘体系为引领,以提高地理信息公共服务效率为中心,聚焦重大任务和重点工程,坚持深化改革,依法治测,弘扬科技,加强人才普查,为新时代现代化强县建设提供有力支撑。



基础测绘是基础性、公益性事业,需要纳入公共服务范围,加大政府投入,确保优先发展。 构建协调、平衡、互补的发展格局。








基础测绘政策、法规和制度日益完善,长效投入和共享应用机制建立健全。 全区域覆盖、地上地下协同、二维立体融合、多尺度融合的基础地理信息资源体系进一步丰富。 完善地理信息数据定期更新机制,缩短更新周期,重要数据逐年更新,基础地理信息资源供给能力显着增强。 基础测绘装备水平和科技创新能力不断提升,建立了全县统筹、高效供给、智能服务、安全可控的现代地理信息公共服务体系,覆盖广度、深度、广度和深度。提高测绘地理信息应用便利性,完善基础测绘公共服务。 级和应急测绘保障能力。 截至规划期末,新型基础测绘体系建设取得积极进展,具备提供全空间、全要素、多时相、高精度、智能化基础测绘能力。为现代化经济强县建设提供空间信息服务。



加强永久性计量标志管理和保护,开展计量标志保护宣传教育。 推动北斗卫星导航定位参考站网络应用,保障基础设施日常运行维护。 对接省市测绘基准系统建设项目,配合推进土地、高程、重力、深度四网一体化的新一代现代测绘基准系统建设,并及时共享、更新,并发布最新结果。

建立基础地理信息数据库更新机制,加快基础地理信息更新。 协调全省遥感数据资源获取,获取城市发展边界内高分辨率正射影像和重点区域倾斜航空遥感影像。 对城市开发边界内的大型数字线图进行年度更新。

落实实景立体山东顶层设计,统筹推进实景立体五联建设。 充分利用多源高精度遥感影像、激光雷达点云等数据资源,共享全县地形级实景3D模型; 使用倾斜航空摄影构建城市建成区的高分辨率城市级真实 3D 模型。


强化基础测绘在自然资源“两统一”中的支撑作用,把握新时代测绘工作“两服务、两支撑”的根本定位,应用测绘和地理信息技术对自然资源管理和生态文明建设的各个环节,实现全流程服务。 汇聚基础测绘数据资源,支撑基础国土空间信息平台建设,丰富平台底层数据。 依托基础地理信息数据,在国土空间规划、用途管制和生态保护修复、自然资源调查监测、确权登记等领域提供精细化服务。 利用各种时空数据和分析技术,定期监测区域生态环境,及时掌握生态环境现状,通过分析掌握发展变化趋势。 充分发挥测绘技术优势,服务自然资源执法监管、防灾减灾、自然保护区管理等。

(3) Carry out innovative practices of new basic surveying and mapping systems and seize development opportunities

In accordance with the requirements of surveying and mapping work responsibilities in the new era, promote the transformation of the basic geographical information database with geographical elements as the core to the basic geographical database with geographical entities as the core, and provide new basic surveying and mapping products to meet the needs of government services and public services to form a richer and more diverse A standardized and applicable surveying and mapping geographic information data and map product system. Provide spiritual services to the society and the public, innovate service forms, and provide various forms of services such as data, technology, platform, and information for the implementation of major strategies, major project construction, and management decision-making in Wulian County.

(4) Build a modern geographical information public service system and improve service capabilities

Promote the upgrade and transformation of the geographical information public service platform to a spatio-temporal big data platform, strengthen the positioning of the geographical spatial public base, and support the construction of new smart cities. Carry out daily platform operation and maintenance and software and hardware upgrades, shorten the platform framework data update cycle, and keep data fresh. Carry out demonstration applications of the Wulian spatio-temporal big data platform to support refined urban governance and promote the construction of new smart cities.

Strengthen the protection of public welfare maps, highlight the characteristics of Wulian, and continuously improve the practicality and cultural heritage of public welfare maps. Organize the compilation of thematic maps of specialty agricultural products, rural transportation, eco-tourism, rural characteristic economy, etc., to increase the benefit rate of public map products to agriculture and rural areas. Promote the use of standard maps, popularize national territory and map knowledge, and improve the national territory awareness of the entire people.

Adapt to the new requirements of emergency management, improve the county’s emergency surveying and mapping support plan, strengthen equipment configuration and maintenance, map reserves, organize regular emergency training and emergency drills, effectively integrate the county’s surveying and mapping resources, and improve the ability of timely response, overall coordination, and coordinated service of surveying and mapping support. Provide surveying and mapping geographic information technology support for disaster hazard identification, disaster monitoring and early warning, and post-disaster assessment and reconstruction.

5. Key projects

(1) Operation and maintenance of modern surveying and mapping benchmark system

(1) Fulfill the legal responsibilities for the management and maintenance of measurement signs, carry out a census and regular maintenance of 43 measurement sign points within the county’s jurisdiction, repair damaged measurement signs in a timely manner, and relocate those that really need to be relocated to ensure the use of measurement signs efficacy. The measurement mark database is updated in a timely manner according to maintenance and relocation status.

(2) Select a suitable area to build a landscape survey mark to enhance popular awareness of surveying and mapping geographical information.

(2) Remote sensing image acquisition

(1) Obtain the urban development boundary range (Wulian County urban area, township residence, Jiejie Town Stone Industrial Park, Yuli Town Hot Spring Tourist Resort, Gaoze Street planned high-speed rail station, Chaohe Town Lumingshanjing Health Care Center and other areas ) A total of 119 square kilometers of 0.05-meter resolution basic aerial images 2 times.

(2) Obtain a total of 39.3 square kilometers of oblique images with a resolution of 0.03 meters in the county town and Shibei Economic Development Zone once. Key areas will be updated once based on actual needs.

(3) Share the county’s remote sensing images with resolutions better than 0.2 meters, remote sensing images with resolutions better than 0.5 meters, remote sensing images with resolutions better than 1 meter, and remote sensing images with resolutions better than 2 meters throughout the county according to the provincial basic surveying and mapping update frequency.

(3) Construction and update of spatiotemporal geographical information database

1.Digital orthophoto map update

A total of 119 urban development boundaries were produced (Wulian County urban area, township residences, Jiejie Town Stone Industry Park, Yuli Town Hot Spring Tourist Resort, Gaoze Street planned high-speed rail station, Chaohe Town Luming Shanjing Health Care Center, etc.) Square kilometers 0.05 meter digital orthophoto image 2 times. Share provincial-level 0.2-meter orthophoto map version 4, 0.5-meter orthophoto map version 10, and 1-meter orthophoto map version 10 to meet the needs of natural resource survey, monitoring, supervision, and modern governance.

2. Digital line drawing production and update

In 2022 and 2025, 0.05-meter resolution remote sensing images will be used to update the urban development boundary range (Wulian County urban area, township residence, Jiejie Town Stone Industry Park, Yuli Town Hot Spring Resort, Gaoze Street planned high-speed rail station, Chaohe River Town Luming Shanjing Health Care Center and other areas) a total of 119 square kilometers of 1:500 scale digital line drawing once each. In other years, based on multi-source data such as real-life three-dimensional updated data, urban cadastral change results, and “multi-measurement-in-one” platform data, annual updates of 1:500 scale digital line drawings within the urban development boundary are carried out.

3. Construction and update of place name and address database

Combined with digital line drawing data, department-shared thematic data, etc., the urban development boundary range will be updated during the planning period (Wulian County urban area, township residence, Jiejie Town Stone Industry Park, Yuli Town Hot Spring Tourist Resort, Gaoze Street planned high-speed rail station , Chaohe Town Lumingshanjing Health Care Center and other areas) place name and address data within a total of 119 square kilometers 2 times.

(4) Real-life three-dimensional Wulian construction

Share the provincial-level 0.2-meter resolution terrain-level real-life 3D model of the entire county, and complete the construction of 24.2 square kilometers of Wulian County urban area and 15.1 square kilometers of Shibei Economic Development Zone with a 0.03-meter resolution real-life 3D model. According to actual needs, key areas of the city will be updated.

(5) Construction of modern geographical information public service system

1. Construction of “multi-test-in-one” management platform

Cooperate with the municipal level to formulate “multi-measurement-in-one” data collection and results storage standards and specifications, build a “multi-measurement-in-one” information management platform, realize all-business online processing, and carry out annual surveying and mapping of engineering construction projects in the directory. Result quality supervision and random inspection work will comprehensively improve the quality of surveying and mapping geographical information results.

2.Public map services

Adhering to the public welfare orientation, the “Wulian County Map”, “Wulian City District Map” and “Shibei Economic Development Zone Map” were updated and published once during the planning period. Compile wall charts on topics such as rural revitalization and specialty tourism based on actual needs to serve government management decision-making and the public.

3. Emergency surveying and mapping support

Improve emergency support institutions, improve emergency surveying and mapping support systems, and optimize emergency surveying and mapping support plans. Strengthen the training of emergency surveying and mapping personnel, conduct regular emergency support drills, and improve the quality and capabilities of the emergency surveying and mapping support team.

4. Elevation measurement of famous Wulian Mountains

Comprehensive use of a variety of technical means such as leveling, triangulation, and satellite positioning measurement to complete the elevation measurement of six famous Wulian Mountains: Wulian Mountain, Jiuxian Mountain, Qilian Mountain, Daqing Mountain, Mal Mountain, and Lushan Mountain.


(1) Strengthen organizational leadership and optimize the policy environment

Fully recognize the importance of basic surveying and mapping, strengthen organizational leadership, supervision and management, strengthen overall planning and organizational coordination, break down the determined development goals and main tasks into annual and strictly implement them. Establish and improve systems for organizational management, data acquisition, sharing and application, and create a good policy environment conducive to the transformation, upgrading and continuous development of basic surveying and mapping. Carry out timely evaluation of the implementation of the plan to ensure the smooth realization of the plan objectives.

(2) Strengthen funding guarantees and build long-term mechanisms

Incorporate basic surveying and mapping into the county’s annual national economic and social development plan and fiscal budget in accordance with the law, and build a long-term investment mechanism. Improve the fund use management system, do a good job in fund expenditure progress and performance management, and prioritize the implementation of major basic surveying and mapping projects. Strictly implement the fiscal fund management system and financial disciplines, focus on fund use supervision and performance evaluation, standardize basic surveying and mapping project expenditures, and ensure the efficiency of the use of fiscal funds.

(3) Implement strong talent testing and promote scientific and technological innovation

Focus on the application of new technologies in the field of basic surveying and mapping, and increase the introduction, transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements in key aspects such as basic geographical information acquisition, processing, management and services. Improve the talent introduction, training, and reward mechanisms, gather high-end talents, introduce in-demand talents, cultivate practical talents, and build a team of highly skilled surveying and mapping talents with comprehensive skills to provide strong intellectual support for the implementation of the plan. Implement the income distribution incentive policy for high-level talents, and commend individuals or groups who creatively work to solve practical problems in major projects and have innovative results in practice in accordance with relevant regulations.

(4) Strengthen safety supervision and promote resource sharing

We attach great importance to security management in the field of surveying, mapping and geographical information, and maintain the security of geographical information throughout basic surveying and mapping work. County governments and departments responsible for surveying, mapping and geographic information must correctly handle the relationship between data application and security, enhance confidentiality awareness, strengthen supervision, implement responsibilities, promote open sharing on the basis of ensuring the security of geographic information data, and improve long-term geographic information security and confidentiality mechanisms. 。

(5) Strengthen overall planning and coordination and promote departmental linkage

Strengthen the docking with the municipal basic surveying and mapping work, assist the municipal level in establishing a new division of labor and cooperation, and promote a chess work pattern of municipal and county basic surveying and mapping. Strengthen the organizational leadership of basic surveying and mapping work, strengthen the guidance and overall coordination of construction tasks, promote the coordination and linkage of various departments, and ensure that key project implementation rights and responsibilities are clear, coordinated operation, standardized and efficient.

(6) Strengthen publicity work and create a good environment

Strengthening basic surveying and mapping publicity work and creating a strong atmosphere are powerful driving forces for the smooth implementation of various basic surveying and mapping projects. To strengthen publicity work, we must first strengthen publicity to all county departments and township and street party committees, strengthen their understanding of basic surveying and mapping work through meetings, documents, training, etc., and consciously promote the implementation of basic surveying and mapping projects; secondly, Strengthen publicity, implement legal responsibilities such as the protection of measurement landmarks, increase the attention of basic surveying and mapping to people’s livelihood, and enhance public awareness of basic surveying and mapping by providing popular product applications.
