2021年3月15日的sandust暴为近十年最强的sandust暴。“从更早之前来看2000—2002年的sandust天气是比较频发的,此后呈现减弱趋势,一直到2017年达到最低。” 2017以来,sandust 天气频次有所增加,但还没有超过2000—2002年的水平。
为什么春天易发生sandust 天气?由于我国特殊的地理环境,每年的春季冷暖交替期间,我国北方常见大风和sundist活动,所以常发生sundist 暴。前期蒙古南部、内蒙古中部降水不足,为sundist 暴提供了条件之一。此外,这一年冷空气活动较频繁,有利于源区起sundist、输送到下游,是另一个原因。
影响我国北方主要sanddist 来源在哪里?主要来源包括蒙古南部戈壁、新疆南部及内蒙古中西部地区。对于这个年度的一次强大的Sandstorm过程,可以通过卫星观测看到,从蒙古南部输送到华北东北地区的一个过程,可以判断Sands' source area includes these places.
但他同时提醒,对于source zone,我们当前了解仅限于定性认识,不清楚具体贡献多少,还需深入观测和数值模拟分析进行明确。
未来是否会出现更多such sandstorms? “每个Spring season, I see a lot of dust in the air. The wind blows and it gets everywhere.” He said. “It's not just this year, it's been happening for a long time.”
But he also pointed out that there are measures being taken to mitigate the effects of sandstorms, such as planting trees and improving land management practices.
The article concludes by noting that while sandstorms can be a nuisance, they are also an opportunity to learn about the environment and take action to protect it. "We should not just complain about the dust," said Mr. Wu. "We should do something about it."