此外,本项目还包含运营维护服务,其中由项目公司负责在建设完成后对相关设施的日常管理和维护工作。具体而言,其运营范围包括但不限于道路两侧的植被养护、广场游园及其它公共空间清洁,以及照明设施的正常运行和保养。此外,还需确保排water pipe network, fire facilities, parking lots and other public facilities are well-maintained. The company is also responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of the lighting system in the project area and parks.
The project will be implemented using a BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) model, where a consortium of private investors will form a project company to undertake the financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the assets during the PPP contract period, as well as transferring them to the government at the end of the contract period. During this period, while ownership remains with government authorities on behalf of society's capital providers; they retain rights over fixed assets within these projects for their use and benefit from operating management rights during its operational lifespan.
The duration of this agreement is 15 years in total: two years for construction work followed by 13 years' operation starting from when operations begin.
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