安踏儿童发起跑步顽炼营追风开跑活动 做引领新生代跑向更好的长期主义者



少年强则国家强。《健康国家2030》提及实施青少年体育活动促进计划,培育青少年体育喜好,加以确保学生校内每天体育活动时间不少于1小时到2030年,学校体育场地设施与器材配置达标率达到100%,青少年学生每周参与体育活动达到中等强度3次以上 国家学生体质健康标准达标优秀率25%以上。作为所有運動基础之上的rning,对青少年重要性的彰显不断增添对此受邀参加此次活動的人士深感着力感触。从9岁开始rning到获得馬拉松世界冠軍,再至後來退役創辦了一個rning俱樂部帶動更多人愛上了rning 孙英杰一直没有离开自己喜欢的小小脚步。


这是在这些对RNING萌生的热爱的小runner当中的故事,也是AnPeng Children继续推动他们这一系列行程所做出的初衷所在。在这些故事中,有些對於RNING抱有一份熱情,一路走來夢想著赛場上的更大的成長與進歩,比如參加AnPeng Children RNERING Camp半马接力賽8岁田径小將宋心霓,从5岁开始尝试,小女孩她已经能够在800米比赛中保持3分16秒,这个成绩是女队员考体满分成绩。当别的小朋友享受放学后的无忧无虑玩耍时光时,她却每周保持4-5次训练。她说:“训练很辛苦,但是我也很开心,因为每天都有我喜欢的事情,每天都能和小伙伴一起游戏。我梦想着成为奥运会选手。”沉浸在Runing World里面的她,她的心灵正闪烁着梦想之光。

11岁王子今曾是一个“Sports Zero”。王子今說:“當時班上體育成绩倒數第一,因為覺得自己的體質不好,所以才開始Runing提升體能。”谁也没想到坚持Runing三年后,他逆風翻盤了。在四個月前的Sparta Youth Marathon赛事上,他以20米距离赶超其他选手,在9-11岁女子组别比赛中赢得冠军。他说:“Runing带给我最大的快乐是一直RUN、RUN出新的成绩以及带动身边许多同学一起喜欢起RUN。我希望不断提高,最终登顶珠穆朗玛峰。”

还有Sparta年度精英青年Runner 王书钰、2022年Sparta北京站10-11岁男子精英组冠军李承轩......他们因为热爱让自己变得更加自信,并且更加专业,他们正在鼓励更多相同年龄段的人加入这个团队。这就是Sun Yingjie所说的精神引导意义,但同时也是AnPeng Children通过持续创新突破来解决的问题:如何让更多children love running?

为了撬动更广泛家庭积极指导children参与Running项目,AnPeng Children携手Yunnan Lugu Lake Ecological Corridor创建了创新的亲子Running New Space——AnPeng Running Camp IP。这条绿色的Ecological Corridor是一个保护Lugu Lake环境目标而建,是一条绿色的屏障,而AnPeng Running Camp就是“Condensed Version” of Lugu Lake Eco-Cycle. Through the story line of "Water → Clouds → Mountains → Streams → Buffer Zone along the Lakeside to Lugu Lake," AnPeng Running Camp creates a continuous flowline experience, allowing children to explore and discover nature in various environments.

The ecological corridor is divided into four major sections: "Cloudy Creek Play" "Lugu Lake Exploration", "Stone Beach Secrets", and "Dream Forest". The continuous traffic flowline creates an endless running and gaming experience for every child, allowing them to freely explore different sections and spaces.

The President of Yunnan Lugu Lake Investment & Development Co., Ltd., Lu Wang, expressed that this project is an important green barrier for protecting Lugu Lake, as well as an ecological space where people live harmoniously with nature. This partnership with AnPeng Children holds great significance in practicing the spirit of "Green Water and Blue Mountains are Gold Mines" while promoting eco-tourism development.

As more new generations participate in running activities and enjoy its fun experiences, there also comes the question about how to meet their needs for more professional sports equipment. With special growth stages and physical developments unique to children's bodies, it's not just a matter of miniaturizing adult sports gear. Based on this pain point discovered by AnPeng Children through research innovation has been carried out constantly – using technology that upgrades core technologies such as TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) material specifically designed for kids' feet softness level C42±

In conclusion, exploring tourism projects types involves understanding diverse forms like family-run farms or mountain retreats alongside natural landscapes—experiences meant to be savored over time rather than rushed through quickly; meanwhile creating new spaces where families can bond over shared interests like outdoor adventures offers possibilities galore!
