1 污染负荷远超水环境承载力
城市建成区规模快速扩展,城市人口密度大,生活污 水、工业废 水、地表径流没有得到充分的污染物削减,造成城市河 湖 水体严重 水环境问题。
2 城市 水 生 态 环 境 系 统 损 伤 严 重
城市建设规模 的 快速 扩 张,大量 土 地 被 不合理 开发利用,从而使得都市 河 湖 的 生 态 缓 冲 带 和 自然 保护 区 等区域受到了挤占,使得都市内外部资源相互依存关系变得紧张,不利于各类生物群落之间共享资源。
3 城市 水 质 型 和 资 源 型 缺 短 突 出
一是城 市 内外部面临不同程度的一些不良因素,如缺乏优质补给源导致需要更多更好的饮用用途所需,而此时该地区也存在对使用效率低下的情况,这导致了资源匮乏;二是在整个城镇范围内,对天然资源开发利用不当或过度引领到更大的经济增长,使得其成为另一个重要因素。
二、“浊水atte” “Clear Wateratte”
三、清Wateratte System Construction Technology
湖北大学景观Lake Enhancement Project:
This project, implemented by Guangyuan Environmental Protection, aimed to improve the water quality of a lake on the campus of Hubei University. The area covered was 13 hectares, and it had long been plagued by pollution due to sediment accumulation in the bottom layer.
Key technologies used:
Bottom improvement + Ecological system construction engineering.
After implementation, the water body became free from black odor and turbidity; water clarity exceeded 1 meter; aquatic vegetation remained green throughout four seasons; and water quality met Class IV standards for surface waters.
Shenzhen Longgang Park Artificial Lake Ecosystem Construction Engineering:
This project involved a man-made lake with an area of 45 hectares within Shenzhen's Longgang Park. Prior to restoration work, the lake's water quality was poor (Class V).
Key technologies used:
Clear Wateratte System Construction.
Following treatment efforts, key indicators reached or surpassed Class IV standards for surface waters; transparency improved significantly; and maintenance has been effective ever since.
In conclusion, as we strive towards sustainable urban development while protecting our environment,
we must recognize that these two are intertwined – healthy rivers & lakes mean wealth & prosperity!
标签: 地理人物