
2022年自然亲水项目暨“爱水一课堂”小额资助项目总结交流会在重庆市渝中区巴渝公益事业发展中心举行。这次会议由中华环境保护基金会 TOTO 水环境专项基金主办,吸引了中华环境保护基金会、东陶(中国)有限公司、“爱水一课堂”受资助团队代表、自然亲水教案优秀作品获得者代表以及部分自然亲水教育培训学员的参与。房志副秘书长表示,这一年里,一批优秀的团体和个人在自然亲水培训和资助项目中崭露头角,他们共同学习、共同行动,共同成长,并希望他们能够在未来发挥更大的作用。在这次会议上,张茉从东陶(中国)有限公司的角度出发,回顾了今年围绕“黄河大保护”主题,在兰州成功举行的培训活动,并强调了增强环境教育工作者对黄河大保护意识和能力的重要性。巴渝公益主任郑建详细介绍了2022年自然亲水项目执行情况,从评审到实践活动,再到过程督导等方面进行了全面回顾。此外,还展示了一些本年度natural water education lesson plan selection results, including the 18 selected lessons that won outstanding, innovative and excellent awards. The three winners of this year's award, representing the ten-year-old nine-color water ecological promotion center in Yichang City, Wu Xiaohua from the Xibei University student star fire environmental volunteer association and Zhang Shuyu from Jingyuan Spring Rain Public Welfare Development Center shared their experiences on natural water education activities. Finally, Li Qing, a deputy researcher at Southwest University's Department of Education who served as an evaluation expert for this year's lesson plans commended the high quality of all submitted lesson plans and praised their ability to effectively convey the idea of "learning and experiencing in nature."
