

首先要提到的就是 burette(滴管)。这是一种用于精确测定液体体积的小型漏斗形容器。它通常由玻璃制成,并且装有刻度,以便读取准确的体积。在实验室中,burette 通常用于配制溶液或测量其他液体。

接下来是 beaker(烧杯)。这种容器广泛应用于实验室工作,可以用来混合、加热和冷却物质。根据其尺寸大小,不同大小的beaker适合不同规模的手续。小型烧杯适合处理微量样品,而大型烧杯则可以容纳较大的样本数量。

还有一种非常重要的地位的是 crucible(坩堝),主要用于熔炼金属或非金属材料。在使用时需要注意坩堝应被置于耐高温炉具上,并通过电热或者燃料火焰加热以达到熔化温度。

Bunsen burner(布伦森炉)则是提供高温火焰源的一种设备。这一装置非常实用,在许多化学反应中都得到了应用,比如在蒸馏操作中产生干燥气氛,或是在煅烧试验品时提供足够强烈的地面火力。


Lastly, a microscope (显微镜) is an essential tool for studying microscopic objects and phenomena. It allows scientists to observe structures that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. This instrument has been instrumental in many scientific discoveries, from understanding cellular biology to analyzing materials at the nanoscale.

In conclusion, these classic chemical devices play crucial roles in various scientific disciplines. Understanding their names and functions can enhance our appreciation of the complex processes involved in chemistry experiments and researches. By exploring these tools further, we can gain a deeper insight into the world of science and technology.

With this knowledge upgrade, one step at a time, we will become more proficient in using these instruments effectively and safely. Remember that practice makes perfect – so get hands-on experience with these apparatuses whenever possible!
