在这个信息爆炸的时代,人们对于科学知识的需求日益增长。随着科技的飞速发展,各种各样的科普(Popular Science)书籍纷繁复出,它们不仅为公众提供了解最新科学成果和技术进步的一扇窗,还能激发读者对于未知世界的好奇心和探索精神。那么,我们又有哪些科普书籍值得一读呢?让我们一起进入这片充满智慧与启迪的小天地。
尼古拉斯·佩戈尔(Nicholas Pegg)详细分析了智能机器人的崛起及其可能带来的影响,从医疗保健到教育,再到娱乐业,这些新兴技术将如何重塑我们的社会结构,为我们展现了一幅前所未有的景象。
詹姆斯·沃茨(James Watson)与安德鲁·休伯特(Andrew Hübner)的合作,在此基础上,他们共同撰写了一篇揭示基因组计划成果及其潜在应用的大型报告。通过他们精彩绝伦的话语,可以轻松掌握DNA解码背后的科学力量,并预见这些发现将给人类社会带来怎样巨大的变革。
马克思•阿格诺夫(Max Agnosv)、约翰•贝克曼(John Beckman)以及彼得•弗莱彻-希金斯(Peter Fletcher-Hicks)的合作,使这一领域内那些曾经看似无法触及的问题,被用简单明快的话语描述出来,展示出生命科学研究过程中的惊喜与挑战性质,同时也提出了解决方案或假设,以推动更多思考者的研究工作进一步深化。
7.The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory
8.A Short History of Nearly Everything
10.Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Adventures of a Curious Character
11.Q.E.D.: The Two Letters That Changed My Life Forever
12.Letters from an Astrophysicist to His Son and Daughter About Love, Life, and the Cosmos.
13.The Quantum Universe: Everything That Can Happen Does Happen.
14.Einstein's Dreams.
15.Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience in Our Time.
16._What Should We Be Worried About? Realizing the Twenty First Century Will be Meaningful Only if Science Literate Generations Live Concerned Global Citizens Lives Now.
17.*How Do We Know What Is True? (And Other Investigations into Reality) by Paul Horwich
18.*Cognitive Illusions: A Handbook on Fallacies and Biases in Thinking, Judgment and Memory edited by Robert A.R.Wagenmakers
19.*The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics edited by Dirk Geeraerts
20.*Chaos Theory Tamed. An Introduction to Dynamical Systems. By Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon.
21.*Dynamics Explained with Analogies from Water_. By Martin Braun.
22.*Introduction to Mathematical Logic. By Elliott Mendelson.
23.*Science Matters:. Ensuring What We Do Makes a Difference for Your Future. By Jon Darsee.
24.Essential Knowledge 80: Climate Change.
25.Essential Knowledge 81: Evolution.
26.Essential Knowledge 82: Genetics.
27.Essential Knowledge 83: Human Behavior
28.Essential Knowledge 84: Infectious Diseases
29.Essential Knowledge 85: Mathematics.
30.Natural Selection.
31*Stress Less with Mindfulness*.
32*Understanding the New Genetics*.
33*Your Body Language at Work*.
34*Quantum Physics for Beginners*.
35*Learning Python Programming*.
36_ *Raising Resilient Children*
37_ *Environmental Ethics*
38_ *Cryptography Basics*
39_ Osteoporosis Prevention & Treatment Guide*****
40_ [Nature’s Blueprint:] How DNA Makes Us Who We Are
41_ [The Second Mountain:] The Quest for a Moral Life
42_ [Unnatural Causes:] Why Animals Behave Badly
43_ [Invisible Women:] Data Bias in a World Designed Without Women
44_ [Tribal Leadership:] Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a More Effective Organization
45[Waking Up]: Guiding Spirituality Without Faith
46[Sapiens]: A Brief History of Humankind
47[Thinking Fast And Slow]
48[Deep Work]: Rules For Focused Success In A Distracted World
49[Man's Search For Meaning]
51.[How To Win Friends & Influence People]:
52.[Mindset]: The New Psychology Of Success
53.[Grit]: Passion And Perseverance In Pursuit Of Excellence
标签: 地理资讯