纳米级膜 filtration
纳米级膜 filtration 技术通过极细小的孔隙来隔离微粒,使得只有少数能够穿透并进入下游流体。这一技术对于去除细菌和病毒等微生物具有显著效果,对于饮用水处理尤为关键。
细胞层filtration 是一种常见且高效的物理净化方法,其中使用了一系列不同孔径的小细胞层相互叠加,每个细胞层都能拦截掉特定的颗粒直到达到纳米尺度。
软质介质 filtration
软质介质 filtration 通过材料如玻璃珠或陶瓷球等作为固态载体,将悬浮物捕获于其表面,并随后被移除。这一方法既适用于初步去除较粗的大颗粒,也可结合其他技术共同提高整体净化效果。
活性炭 adsorption
活性炭adsorption 技术依赖于活性炭表面的广阔表面积和丰富的活性位点,对于去除色素、高效脱硫以及某些有机污染物显示出强烈吸引力。此外,由于其成本相对低廉,这成为一个经济实用的选择方案之一。
交换树脂 technology
交换树脂 technology 主要应用于电解液回收系统中,其核心在於交换树脂可以有效地捕捉并移除溶液中的金属离子及其他杂质,使得电解池运行更加稳定,可延长其使用寿命。
5.Ion exchange resin: A powerful tool for water treatment
Ion exchange resin is a type of synthetic or natural material that can be used to remove impurities from water by exchanging ions in the solution with those on the surface of the resin.
6.Chelating resins: A specialized form of ion-exchange resins that have functional groups capable of forming complexes with metal ions, which are then removed from the solution.
7.Adsorbents: These materials have a high affinity for certain substances and can be used to remove them from water through adsorption processes.
8.Solvent extraction: This process involves using an organic solvent to selectively extract target compounds from aqueous solutions, followed by recovery and recycling of the solvent.
9.Membrane separation techniques: These include ultrafiltration (UF), microfiltration (MF), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO). Each technique has its own specific applications based on pore size and molecular weight cut-off.
10.Biological treatment methods: Biological systems such as activated sludge, trickling filters, rotating biological contactors, anaerobic reactors and aerobic bioreactors use microorganisms to break down organic pollutants in wastewater before discharging it into receiving waters or reusing it for industrial purposes.
标签: 地理资讯