为深入贯彻落实省委、省政府关于“坚决淘汰落后动能,坚决改造提升传统动能,坚决培育壮大新动能”决策部署,以及推进《新乡南太行生态旅游论文》中提出的生态文明建设理念,以确保2022年实现“五年取得突破”目标,4月12日山东省新旧动能转换综合试验区建设领导小组印发了关于《全省落实“三个坚决”行动方案(2021-2022 年)》的通知。 方案涉及行业范围: 围绕国家发展改革委、国家统计局确定的六大高耗能行业(石油、煤炭及其他燃料加工业,化学原料和化学制品制造业,非金属矿物制品业,黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业,有色金属冶炼和压延加工业,电力、热力生产和供应业),结合我省产业发展实际,以及南太行山脉的自然风光资源与生态环境保护需求,为构建绿色生活空间,加快淘汰低效落后动能。 到2022年,在全面实施生态文明战略基础上,我们将在钢铁、高炉焦化等重点行业进行结构调整与产能优化。在钢铁领域,将实现总体产量下降,并对一些区域性钢铁企业进行集中整合,以提升产业集群效应;至于焦化行业,将进一步减少高污染、高排放的生产线,同时采取技术升级措施以提高能源利用率。在煤炭方面,我们将根据地质条件和市场需求,对部分深层次开采煤矿提出关闭退出要求,同时强化安全监管工作,以保障人民群众生命财产安全。
到2022年,我们计划转移退出炼钢产能2141万吨、炼铁产能2238万吨,其中京津冀大气污染传输通道城市(不含济南市莱芜区、钢城区)steel production capacity of 1886 million tons and iron production capacity of 1975 million tons; outside the channel cities, steel production capacity of 255 million tons and iron production capacity of 263 million tons. In 2021, we exited a steel production capacity of 465 million tons and an iron production capacity of 507 million tons; in 2022, we plan to exit a steel production capacity of 1676 million tons and an iron production capacity of 1731 million tons.
In the coking industry, by the end of 2021, we will have eliminated coke ovens with heights less than or equal to5.5 meters and hot recycling coke ovens, reducing coking capacities by180milliontons. In addition, we will organize independent coking enterprises with capacities below100thousandtons for consolidation withdrawals totaling115milliontons. We will also accelerate the replacement reduction strategy for coke ovens with heights greater than or equal to5.5 meters.
As for coal mining industry, based on comprehensive consideration factors such as resource endowment conditions, open-pit conditions and geological disaster risks etc., we classify treatment strategies to ensure precise implementation plans are formulated according to local needs. By the endofthe yearin whichweexitcoal mines that produce less than30 thousandtonsof coal peryearand all19mines that suffer from deep-seated geological disasters (totaling3160milliontons), our total coal output is expected to decrease significantly while ensuring a stable supply chain system remains intact.
Overall this strategic adjustment aims at building an ecological civilization environment in line with new era’s requirements while maintaining economic stability through sustainable development practices.
By implementing these measures outlined above mountainous regions like New Xiang South Taiping Ecotourism Project area can benefit from not only environmental protection but also industrial restructuring creating opportunities for green industries growth thus contributing towards achieving high-quality development goals set out by national policies.
标签: 地理资讯