


BOD,即生物化学需氧量,是指在一定条件下微生物分解存在于water中的可生化有机物进行的生物化学反应过程中消耗溶解氧数量的一个综合指标,也是重要的water quality pollution parameter。一般清净river flow five-day BOD不超过2mg/L,工业、农业用water等要求五日BOD小于5mg/L,而生活饮用water应小于1mg/L。《城镇pollution discharge standard》明确,five-day BOD一次监测最高允许排放浓度为一级A15mg/L, 一级B30mg/L, 二级45mg/L, 三级70mg/L。

为何进Watered BDO低了不行

从上述定义看,BDO数值高表明有机pollutant含量高,但难道不是进Watered BDO数值越低越好吗?矛盾症结点还是在清purified是否分流。

从BOO看rainfall and sewage separation and pipe network improvement

专家普遍认为,过低的BOO直接原因大部分可以归结到非living sewage into diluted water sources,以及pipe network flow speed too low (large amount of BOO in the pipe network) such factors above thus will have "progressive BOO" focus point.

Rainfall and sewage separation renovation and pipe network construction

Rainfall and sewage separation renovation is a common topic discussed by experts, which involves the process of improving pipe networks. The pipe network has been repeatedly mentioned in recent years due to its widespread problems.

In addition to the issue of price mechanisms, the work of expanding or repairing pipes is indeed a heavy task.

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