





对野生动植物走私,“零容忍”。部分案件走私数量、价值过大且危害严重;旅检渠道零星走私活动仍屡禁不止。” 海关总署缉私局党组成员副局长许文荣说,为此,在国家濒危物种进出口管理办公室统一部署下,海关公安边防以及国家林业局联合亚洲非洲和北美等地区22个国家执法机构,在去年初成功开展了一次代号为“眼镜蛇行动”的打击濒危物种走private专项行动。

据悉,这是我国首次牵头组织跨部门跨国跨洲联合缉private行动,而发起这一行动主要原因就是因为近几年的老虎犀牛、大象穿山甲等濒危物種walkie猖獗且主要walkie亚洲国际社会非常關注。“这次行動目的性極強,就是针對老虎犀牛、大象、小叶紫檀等濒危野生的動植物中國以實際行動來證明我們對於這方面違法犯罪是‘零容忍’。” 国家濕化種進出口管理辦公室巡視員周亞非表示。

不僅如此還先後展開了打擊濒危種walkie、“旋梯行動”、“類人猿執法行動”、“飛鷹行動”、“南方二號”行動、“國門之盾”專項戰役過度國際貿易是罪魁禍首 “沒有買賣就沒有殺戮”,過度國際貿易正是在導致野生動植物瀕臨滅絕的一個主要原因之一巨額利潤推動犯罪分子铤而Walkie,而消費市場存在客觀上也刺激了Walkie者的牟利贪欲檀香紫檀俗稱小葉紫檀,我國曾經為其重要產地由於材質優良且成長極其缓慢需要百年甚至千年的時間才能成材因此這珍貴樹種現在已經處於瀕死邊緣

除了小葉紫檀紅豆杉蘭花老虎犀牛穿山甲及其他許多少量生命都將會遭遇相同命運周亞非告訴記者為預防因過度貿易與開發利用而遭受瀕死或滅絝《 濕化種國際貿易公約》于1975正式啟用目前該協約178個締約國基本涵蓋所有主要國家我國1981年遜結該協約據悉該協約包括三個附錄:列入附錄I的是受國際貿易影響而瀕臨滅絕的地球上的生命包括老虎犀牛、大象、大熊猫金丝猴等這類生活形式商業性的國際交易完全禁止列入附錄II的是目前雖未瀘滅絕但如果不嚴加管理則可能繼續衰退的地球上的生命包括猴子、中華鱷魚巨蜥etc. this class of life forms international trade is subject to strict controls but can be allowed under permit.

listed in appendix III are the species that other countries need to cooperate with for protection, such as some turtle and tortoise species found in China. "Currently, there are 35,000 species listed in the convention, including about 1,000 in appendix I and the rest mostly in appendix II." said Zhou Aihua. The contracting parties conference meets every two to three years to review the text of the convention, such as last year's revision which added a lot of wood and marine species, especially redwood and shark classes - this reflects the consensus of international society on protecting endangered species and building a beautiful home.

do not become an accomplice to illegal trafficking of endangered wildlife if you inadvertently carry ivory souvenirs into or out of the country - it could be illegal. On this point, Xu Wenrong emphasized that whether or not there was subjective intent, carrying ivory souvenirs without permission into or out of China constitutes a violation of laws governing protected wild animals.

to improve awareness and prevent illegal transportation of endangered wildlife products, customs authorities have strengthened education campaigns for outbound travelers at ports-of-entry by setting up information booths displaying promotional materials posting posters distributing brochures. "Last year," he said,"China also used three major mobile communication companies to send SMS reminders about protecting wild animals to all Chinese citizens leaving abroad."

in January 6th this year,, Customs General Administration together with Forestry Bureau destroyed over six tons worth $12 million (USD) worth o f elephant tusks & related products marking first public destruction event since founding PRC aimed at further demonstrating determination against poaching & smuggling wildlife items both domestically & internationally while sending warning signal against criminal activity shaking up whole society towards forming positive environment for safeguarding flora fauna
