破坏性测试 对除菌级循环水过滤器而言,破坏性测试是指细菌挑战-testing,该testing方法是证明循环水过滤器能够满足苛刻除菌级标准的一种根本手段。在细菌挑战-testing中,我们需根据统计学原理从每批产品中抽取一定数量样品,并按照标准testing方法(如:ASTM F838-83),利用缺陷假单胞菌溶液(Brevundimonas diminuta ATCC 19146)进行细菌挑战-testing,那些需要达到至少10^7 CFU/cm^2膜表面的细菌截留才可认为该filter为除菌级filter。
非破坏性testig 方法主要包括基于毛细管原理起泡点、水侵入法testig,以及基于扩散原理扩散流和保压testigs。下面分别做一下简单介绍:
起泡点testig 基于毛细管模型。当filter被润湿液体完全润湿后,如果要想将液体挤出膜孔就需要外加一个气体压力。能够克服表面张力将膜孔内液体完全挵出的最小压力,就是我们常说的起泡点,这也是应用最广泛的一种non-destructive testig method。
Water Infiltration Testig HydroCorr testig,又称“挸水法”,“water infiltration test”. This testing method is based on the water in hydrophobic filter membrane surface existing interfacial tension and capillary phenomena development out of it.
In this testing process, we measure the decrease of air pressure at the downstream end of the filter due to water infiltrating into or passing through pores, which indicates whether the filter is intact or not.
WIT (Water Intrusion Test) is a non-destructive online testing method for hydrophobic filters, which measures the rate of decline in upstream air pressure when water infiltrates into a hydrophobic filter membrane submerged in water.
The WIT results are related to pore size and can be used as an indicator of filter integrity according to international standards.
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