"我曾见过几只,但后来就变成了几十只,而今年春天,当我们看到燕鸽湖上空飘荡着近千只红嘴鸥时,那场面真是令人难以忘怀。” 银川市湿地管理办公室副主任王筱平说,“我们的努力终于得到了成果,因为我们明白要为这些无言之友创造一个安全、适宜的地方。”
《人民日报》(2015年07月15日16版) 的报道进一步证实了这一点:“在2010年的首批几只小伙伴之后,现在已经有几十只甚至更多,一直到最近春天,我们看到了燕子湖上空漂浮着几乎接近1000只是如此壮观景象。”
总结来说,silver wetland is not only a critical stopover for the red-crowned crane during its migration but also a vital habitat for these beautiful creatures to rest and nest. The concerted efforts of the local government and citizens have resulted in an increase in wetland area, ecological restoration, and preservation of natural scenery, thus significantly improving the city's environmental quality.
As observed by residents like Zhu Xiao-meng, "These cranes are not afraid of people; they will fly down to eat bread held out to them." This harmonious interaction between humans and nature has become a cherished sight in Silver Wetlands.
The report from People's Daily further highlights the progress made: "From just a few birds starting in 2010 to several dozen now, with nearly 1,000 seen at Yanyu Lake during springtime this year."
In summary, silver wetland serves as an essential stopover for red-crowned cranes during their migration journey while providing them with suitable habitats for resting and nesting. Through concerted efforts by local authorities and citizens alike, we've witnessed an increase in wetland areas accompanied by ecological restoration & preservation resulting improvements in urban environmental quality.
标签: 基础地理