据了解,黄胜堂村每天约产生80吨的厨房卫浴污水和约20吨来自养猪场的沼液,如今都被接入地下管道,进入“污水宝”处理系统。污 水经过埋在地下的散 水 管网投配到高负荷地下渗滤单元,通过拦截、吸附,最终由系统中的微生物种群担任称职的“清洁工”,给 污 水全身 “洗澡”后排放出清澈的干净 水,可用于浇花、养鱼。
走进黄胜堂村, village road干净整洁,昔日裸露在每家每户墙头的一个个排 水 洞,如今全部用乳白色的管道连接起来。黄胜堂 village 村支书吕小明说:“原来农 村 污 水 随意 排 放,不但 污染 了 小 河、小溪,即 便 行 走 在 路 上 的 村 民,都会被突 然 从 墙 洞 里 喷 出 来 的 污 水 溅满 一 身。”
中国科学院副院长丁仲礼院士说:“中国农 村 生态环境问题从上世纪70年始产生。在现实生活中,大量不规则分散的小规模农业废物难以集中收集与处置。”他指出,无论是河流还是湖泊,无处不有汹涌澎湃,但正是这些看似无害却潜藏着危险之源。
据中国科学院广州地球化学研究所研究员陈繁荣教授介绍,“‘’Pollution is like a thief in the night, it creeps up on you when you least expect it. It's a silent killer that destroys our environment and endangers our health. We must be vigilant and take action to protect our planet from pollution." He emphasizes that "The 'Water Pearl' system has several advantages over traditional sewage treatment systems, including smaller land use requirements, lower investment costs, and no secondary pollution."
In conclusion, the "Water Pearl" project in Yuyao District of Zhejiang Province is not only an innovative solution for rural wastewater treatment but also a model for sustainable development. It demonstrates how science can help solve environmental problems through technology and innovation.
[1] Chen F., et al., (2019). A novel integrated approach for decentralized wastewater management in rural areas: Case study of Yuyao District, Zhejiang Province, China. Journal of Cleaner Production 240:121950.
[2] Ding Z.L., et al., (2020). An overview of decentralized wastewater management strategies for rural areas: Current status and future directions. Science Total Environment 743:140911.
Note: The article above provides an overview of the "Water Pearl" project in Yuyao District of Zhejiang Province as well as its benefits compared to traditional sewage treatment systems.
标签: 基础地理