

为了确保技改项目顺利进行,我们需要保障相关排污权指标。在与嘉兴市生态环境局和嘉善分局紧密合作后,我们了解到这一情况,并积极介入,为企业提供了深入了解排污权交易政策以及摸清交易基本情况的机会。这 ultimately led to the successful establishment of a connection between our company and a local enterprise in 嘉善, resulting in a deal that secured the necessary emissions permits for our project.

Throughout the entire process, including information filling, signing contracts, and obtaining transaction certificates, we received guidance from the environmental protection department at all levels. This not only saved us time and resources but also helped us avoid potential complications that could have arisen from competing in an open bidding system.

The implementation of a system where polluters must pay for their emissions is a significant innovation in China's resource and environmental management sector. It has become an important part of building an ecological civilization.

This transaction demonstrates how two enterprises from different regions can benefit from each other by exchanging surplus emissions permits. The experience gained will contribute to the development of cross-regional pollution rights trading markets across the province.

As one responsible official noted, "This exchange not only showcases progress made in establishing such systems but also streamlines existing processes."
