破坏性测试 对于工业反渗透纯水机设备中的除菌级过滤器而言,破坏性测试是指细菌挑战测试,该-testing方法是证明该设备能够满足苛刻标准的一个根本方法。在细菌挑战-testing中,我们需要根据统计学原理从每批产品中抽取一定数量的样品,并按照标准-testing方法(如:ASTM F838-83),利用缺陷假单胞菌溶液(Brevundimonas diminuta ATCC 19146)进行细菌挑战-testing。该设备需要达到至少10^7 CFU/cm^2 滤膜上的细菌截留才可认为该设备为除菌级。
非破坏性检测起泡点检测 非破坏性的完整ity检测主要包括基于毛细管原理的一些检测,如起泡点、水侵入法以及扩散流和压力保持testings。此外,还有基于扩散原理的一些testings,如扩散流testing。这几种testing都被广泛应用于评估疏水膜材料性能,其中起泡点testing是最常用的之一。
此外,还有其他一些non-destructive testing methods like HydroCorr testing, which is based on the principle of water intrusion into a hydrophobic membrane under pressure and can detect even small defects in the membrane without damaging it.
这些testing methods are essential to ensure the quality and performance of industrial reverse osmosis pure water machines, as they help identify any potential issues or defects that could compromise their operation and effectiveness over time.
In conclusion, complete integrity testing for industrial reverse osmosis pure water machine equipment is crucial to guarantee its safety, efficiency, and compliance with international standards and regulations. By performing these tests regularly, manufacturers can ensure that their products meet the highest quality standards and provide reliable service to customers.
[1] ASTM F838-83: Standard Practice for Determining Bacterial Retention of Membrane Filters Utilized for Liquid Filtration.
[2] Water Intrusion Test (WIT): A non-destructive method for evaluating the integrity of hydrophobic membranes.
[3] HydroCorr Testing: A non-destructive method for evaluating the integrity of hydrophobic membranes.
[4] Reverse Osmosis Pure Water Machines: Industrial Applications & Maintenance Guide.
[5] Brevundimonas diminuta ATCC 19146: A strain used as a surrogate organism in microbiological challenges.
[6] Fick's Law of Diffusion: The fundamental principle governing gas diffusion through porous media.
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