这本书由美国科学家、作家Carl Sagan所著,是一部广受欢迎的科普读物。它以轻松易懂的语言讲述了从细胞到星系,从遗传到宇宙的大量科学故事,对于想要了解生命奥秘和自然世界的人来说,这是一本不可多得的经典之作。
《自然界中的数学》(The Music of the Primes)
What if? The World's Foremost Scientists and Thinkers Imagine That Time Ran Backward
The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
10.On the Origin of Species
11.The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
12.Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
13.The Voyage Round My Father: A Biographical Sketch Based on a True Story.
14.A Short Account Of The History Of Mathematics (in Four Parts)
15_What is Life? The Physical Basis Of Biology_
16_.From So Simple a Beginning: The Four Great Books of Charles Darwin _
17_.From DNA to Diversity: Molecular Genetics and Evolutionary Biology._
18_A Scientific Autobiography: With Reflections on Science Policy and Practice._
19_Genome - The Autobiography Of A Species In 23 Chapters.
20_Science Awakening; From Fancy to Science.
21_Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity
22_How We Know What Is Normal And What Is Mental Illness?
23_A Brief History Of Everything
24_Writing Down Words
25_the structure & function evolution & biology
26_a short history
of nearly everything
27_the elements : a visual exploration
28_biology : life as we know it
29_genome : the autobiography
30_of a species in twenty-three chapters.
31_changing planet earth
32_an introduction
33_to human ecology.
34_how life works
35_how genes work.
36_introduction to bioinformatics
37_from gene finding to genome analysis.
38_life at its extremes : how microbes survive whatever nature can throw their way.
39_inventing reality : physics as language.
40_think like an evolutionary biologist.
41_genetic drift.: How much does it matter?
42_conceptual models for understanding genetics,
43_and molecular biology.
44_history time scales:
45_and evolution since Darwin.
46_evolutionary developmental biology
47:_a reference guide for educators..
标签: 地理资讯